Tuesday, September 15, 2009

too hot to eat

The weather is hot and humid, takes away the appetite. (Which is ok, losing weight is always welcome..) The food is hot too, but in a spicy way.. just went and got take-away from the Indian restaurant across the street again, still can't stop wondering that rice + 2 types of veggies + a plain prata bread cost only 3,50 $! And it's good.. although to me, the prata seems like a half-baked naan bread. I prefer naan.
It's hot and humid for our little furry friend Rekku too. He had not touched his food yesterday when I visited him at the quarantine. I suppose it's ok, since he did have some 'extra energy' stored (he was well fed during the last week in Finland :D!). The most important thing is that he drinks water. And that he did :)
I visited Rekku yesterday at the quarantine for the first time. On my way there, I managed to pick a wrong short-cut (not so short..) and walked by several garden shops. Must go again some other day to find out if I can get my own banana tree or something to the tiny "balcony" we have.. I also saw a poster with a huge picture of a mosquito and the text 'If you let them breed, you will bleed'. Scary!! Will definitely take the 'Off!' insect repellent spray with me today..
The staff at the quarantine are really nice. They managed to get Rekku a space in the exercise field, so besides spending time in Rekku's room and terrace (yes, with a view to the exercise fields..) we got to go out of the building. Poor Mr. Tidy Man Rekku had held it all day and was very happy to get outside for his toilet business. He also ran outside as we did a few simple obedience exercises. 15 min. outside was enough for him for now, although I was suprised how well he could take the hot and humid weather. All-in-all, Rekku seemed fairly ok with the situation, but he was clearly nervous and puzzled by the completely new world. Luckily he did not make a fuss when I left, so no tears streaming down my face.. I suppose we are both independent in our owner and dog relationship. Can't wait to see him again today though!

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