Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Coffee with the ladies

This morning I took the bull by the horns and forced myself to challenge my own preconception of 'the ladies', i.e. wifes and girlfriends who have followed their men's jobs abroad, and while men are at work long hours and maids take care of the house (and kids), the ladies get-together for coffee, lunches, shopping and gin&tonics.. and I went and attended a 'coffee-get-together' of the Finns in Singapore association. There were about 10 ladies present, from all age groups and some with small children. And suprise suprise.. they were all nice. Not stuck-up, not too fancy for anyone else, not I-know-it-all, not all made up and with shopping bags.. no, they were all nice, quite down to earth Finnish ladies. At least judging from the 2 hours I spent drinking coffee and talking. So, I joined the association and plan to attend the sports activities next..


  1. Hyvä Raisa! "lunch with the ladies" was a nice lunch afterall :)

  2. Hahaa Lunch with the Ladies, klassikkotermi :)

    Kiva kuulla että olette molemmat päässeet onnellisesti perille. Sorry etten infonnut mitään/päässyt treffaamaan ennen sun lähtöä. Aina sitä on jotain hässäkkää tai sit vähintään jumissa koirien takia kotona... Mut pianhan me nähdään! Ei olla vielä buukattu Honkkariin lentoja, mut ollaan varattu sen reissun ajankohdaksi se toka vkl(väljästi 13-15.11) Muuten ohjelma siis Singaporessa ja seutuvilla ihan Up Yours :D

    Kivaa viikkoa ja terkkuja myös siipalle!
