Saturday, January 9, 2010

The curse of the second time

I have found something that I really do not like in Singapore. Or in Singaporean culture (or Asian culture, since I do not know the extent of this, having only experience from S'pore). I don't hate much anything, so even a dislike is quite a strong expression for me. I might later just refer to this as 'well, that's Asia for you', but at the moment, I do not like this at all.

'This' is the curse of the second time. It means that the first time is great, and the second time is awful - and then it might settle somewhere in between or bounce back to great if you know how to play it right. Or then there will be no third time since curse of the second time made you swear 'never again'. Whatever the first, second, etc. times are about doesn't matter. The same pattern repeats itself.

Now since this is very confusing to anyone used to consistent quality and being able to trust what is said, I'll give you some examples.

I posted earlier that we had used our condo's BBQ facilities for the first time - and it was great. There was flexibility in booking the place, in how long you can stay there and in when you have to clean it up (which was by 12 the next day). Last night we used the facilities for the second time. Cursed. There was no problem booking the place or staying beyond the 11pm curfew, but surprise surprise.. this time the clean up by 12 noon the next day did not apply. Naturally, I did not expect this change of rules and was slightly (or to be honest, quite a lot) irritated to find out as I went out this morning to clean that it had all been cleaned by the cleaner and 30 dollars was being deducted from our 50 dollar deposit. And it is not the money (which does not grow on trees in Singapore if someone thinks that), but the fact that I would have cleaned up last night if I had known - I only left it for the morning because I thought I could.

When I went to the hairdresser for the first time, it went well, the cut was good, and I was positively surprised the bill was only 43 dollars. A couple weeks back I went to the back to the same hairdresser like a loyal, happy customer does, and took the next step; got highlights. The mood was a bit lower, the director, who charges higher rates, had a trainee do half of the work on the highlights (which btw took forever to do), the cut was not exactly what I had asked for (did he not listen or does he think he knows better?), and the bill was a whoopin' 174 dollars.

My good friend and neighbor has had the same experience with cleaners. First time they are great, with positive, even proactive attitude, cleaning well and effectively - and the second time.. well, either they cancel at the last minute, simply do not show up or do a very poor job, lying to your face about having cleaned under the dining table - when surely they have not, with all the crumbs and dog hair still there?

So is it short-sightedness and underestimation of the customer that gets in the way of building a lasting, solid relationship (which a few know how to do; I highly recommend United Optometrist in Novena (the mall next to Velocity) and Pet's Love store On River Valley Rd), or is it a cultural thing, perhaps arising from the temporary spirit of Singapore (lots of tourists and expats that stay for a short time)? I do hope it is not simple will to screw over a western person, because that's not nice at all. Singapore is perhaps the only country in this part of Asia where one does not have to doubt everything that comes out of another person's mouth and be aware of others trying to scam or cheat in everything. But still the curse of the second time exists - and I shall be more aware of it in the future..

1 comment:

  1. Hi Raisa, we planning to go Sentosa Tanjong Beach again this saturday morning... 9am!
